Project Managers

Sem Abrahams

Sem has amazed and amused audiences everywhere for the past 42 years and has taught circus skills to thousands through Sem’s Unicycle Sportschool in Holland and through workshops in North America, Europe, South America and Asia.

Teresa Abrahams

Teresa started unicycling at the age of 12, is a multiple world champion artistic unicyclist. She married Sem in 1988 and together they have performed their unicycling, juggling, acrobatics, magic and comedy shows and conducted workshops all over the world.

Nash Abrahams

Nash was born into the circus. He is already a seasoned professional who has performed on national and international television. He is happy to teach everyone all of the circus skills!

Chuck Clark

Jace Abrahams

Jay Tingle

Myrthia Hornshaw

Chimène Abrahams